Welcome to the International Women in Biomechanics blog


Teaching in Higher Ed is changing: Here’s what you can do to prepare

2/19/2024 7:45 am

By Dr. Kristyne Wiegand

Paper of the Quarter with Dr Carla McCabe

1/15/2024 8:55 pm

By Dr. Carla McCabe

Becoming Pregnant as a Ph.D. Student in America

4/27/2023 1:45 am

By Dr. Katie Lucas

You’re Not Wonder Woman. And You’re More than Enough.

4/5/2023 1:45 am

By Dr. Sarah Roelker

Quarterly Paper Q&A w/ Dr. DeJong Lempke - Sensor-based gait training to reduce contact time..."

12/14/2022 1:45 am

By Dr. Alexandra F. DeJong Lempke

#5 LGBTQIA+ and Gender Non-Conforming Barriers of Inclusion

10/13/2022 1:45 am

By Dr. Sarah Breen, Evan Dooley, Dr. Stacie Ringleb, and Dr. Alexa Johnson.

#4 Student Voices and Leadership

10/5/2022 1:45 am

By Kayla Seymore, Evan Dooley and Dr. Caitlin Banks.

#3 Reducing the Attainment Gap within Biomechanics/Sports & Exercise Science

9/28/2022 1:45 am

By Dr. Erica Bell

#2 STEM Diversity and Public Policy

9/21/2022 1:45 am

By Dr. Caitlin Banks, Dr. Kat Daniels, Dr. Ana Ebrahimi, and Dr. Jenna Yentes.

#1 Challenges of International Scholars and Research Collaborations

9/14/2022 1:45 am

By Dr. Frankie Wade