Drawing of women in front of a calendar


Join IWB at multiple online and in-person events.


Monthly events.

Upcoming events

Our virtual monthly meetings have hosted speakers from academia, industry, and several biomechanics societies to discuss topics including applying for grants/awards, challenges faced by women in STEM, and careers in biomechanics. Unless otherwise noted, these meetings are open to allies and non-members!

Click on the events below to find more details about them: 


Past events

You can watch past events on IWB’s YouTube channel

IWB YouTube Channel


Conference meet-ups.

We collaborate with professional biomechanics societies’ conferences on “Women in Science” events. We also host IWB social events at biomechanics conferences for our community to network and meet each other in person! Below are some conferences where you can find other IWB members.

Drawing of a meeting


International Society of Biomechanics

27 - 31 July, 2025 | Stockholm, Sweden


American Society of Biomechanics Annual Meeting

13 - 16 August, 2025 | Pittsburgh, PA, USA


International Society of Biomechanics in Sports Annual Meeting

2 - 6 November, 2025 | Doha, Qatar


Stay tuned for more upcoming conference events!

Members - check out our #conference-meet-up Slack Channel to find other members going to the same conferences. Use the channel to coordinate travel, meet-ups, etc. as well as to share information about research you are presenting or were involved in!


Women in Science (WIS) Events Repository

IWB is using a Google Drive Folder to store resources from previous “Women in Science Events” from biomechanics scientific society conferences and meetings around the world. Feel free to use the resources posted to host your own WIS events (please assign credit appropriately). If you have any resources to add, please e-mail communications@intwomenbiomech.org.

WIS Events Repository 


 Join us today!

Learn about our membership